Drag Me Down - One Direction - Sing_Said_Skee
Always wanted to be in a boy band LOL. This song was released in 2015. It debuted at the top of the charts in multiple countries, was top 10 in over 30 countries and #3 on the Billboard Hot 100. It was certified 5X Platinum and was in the top 100 year end charts of over 14 countries. It won, "Best Video Award" at the 2016 Brit Awards. Jamieson Cox of The Verge compared the song to Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were In Trouble". Like, comment & subscribe for your Buzz Points and feel free to share any of my videos and let's introduce more people to Bee Mee. 😎
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You’ve got the hair for the boy band! 👀🙌🏼🎤🐝✨
Sing_Said_Skee lifting us up on Bee Mee
Now we can't start making brand ! 😃 Well done! 👏
Nailed it
Boy Band Bonanza!!