42 Views · 1 year ago

Another Christmas song by Alan Jackson I've never heard before. Chipmunks DO NOT make the best background singers. My kind of song though as I do have a big red pick up with four wheel drive. Hopefully have a Christmas Playlist of all these weird (and a couple normal) Christmas songs. Until then make sure you "like" & subscribe. Merry Christmas everyone.

31 Views · 1 year ago

Always was an Alan Jackson fan. This song was released in 1993. What else could I want for Christmas? Goin' to start looking for that ribbon. Happy holidays everyone. 😎

25 Views · 1 year ago

I have never been good at singing this song but I always give it a try because it is such a beautiful song. I tried several different song versions and had to adjust both my input and output volume many, many times. I think this was around my 12th attempt before I finally got the sound settings relatively decent so this is as good as it's gonna get from me. I
would appreciate a "like" despite it's imperfections and hope everyone is enjoying the holidays. ✌❤