Here's my take on CCR version of Proud Mary. I went low with it :) I'm sure somebody on here has that awesome higher range that John Fogerty can hit! Really looking forward to hearing some people give the Tina Turner version a go! Cheers
Here's another classic Jim Croce song that I've always enjoyed.
Bob Marley Three Little Birds
One of the all time classics by Neil Diamond. Makes me want to get to a Boston Red Sox game and sing this beauty of a tune along with thousands of fans! So Good...So Good...So Good! :)
Classic Jim Croce song. I've always thought this tune had an amazing chorus, and I hope you enjoy it too!
Classic Folk Rock song by Simon & Garfunkel released in 1964. It was re-released in 1965 overdubbing ekectric instruments and drums over the original acoustic version. The remix hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was a top ten hit in multiple coun tries and was added to the National Recording Registry in the Library of Congress as culturally important. Sit back, close your eyes and relax but don't forget to like, comment & subscribe for Buzz Points. 😎
Wonderful world with old man chu 😂😃
Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson song released in 1978. They weren't the first to record but their cover spent four weeks at #1 on the Country Music Charts & reached #42 on the Billboard Hot 100 and also won a grammy award. The Western Writers of America chose the song as one of the top 100 Western songs of all time. Thanks for listening and don't forget your Buzz Points, like, comment, subscribe. Feel free to share this or any of my videos....let's get more people on BEE MEE 😎
I had never sung this song before :D
That's why it's bee me to try something like this :D
One of my fav Elvis songs
Classic old Neil Diamond tune. Hadn't listened to this one for a while. There's some lyrics in there that make ya chuckle :)
Rod, you must be doing something right, finding these beautiful women until well into your seventies, so I thought I would follow suit.....
The Neil Diamond classic sung by the not so classic Puzzleman, sorry Neil
Old man chu just for entretainment purposes 😂🙃
A few synching problems
Speed issue?
Needs a bit of polishing up!
Sung from the heart
Just my pace....
Ol' blue eyes is back!
Eat your heart out Neil Diamond!!!!
the sun😂🤔👍👏👏👏👏🤘🤘
good ole johnny cash
Dont worry be happy everyone
singing fun
Can you feel the Love?
Just one of many classic Neil Diamond tunes. Good times :)
Can't Buy Me Love
Love this song, whether it's done by Willie Nelson or Elvis. Classic tune!
You reap what you sow. I see improvement. Please join for more
All I Want For Christmas
Good ol' Bob Dylan song. I tripped up on a few lyrics, but had fun. I've always liked this tune!
If you are watching these songs in order this is number two of seven that I did today. Very addicting. Might of been a little brave on this one lol but it's a great song and had to try it again. Definitely wasn't easy so I apologize for any ear bleeding 😁. Don't forget to like and subscribe and get those extra Buzz Points.
more elvis
A happy bear singing a sad song alone in his room
To busy playing with the dance and camera features and didn't focus on singing. Pretty cool for the Beta...not sure you will find Steppenwolf dancing like this though.
My first go at this. Definitely didn't know when to fold them or run away lol.
well this is amazing.
Here's Deefamily once again with another karaoke cover. This time I challenged myself to Celine Dion's It's All Coming Back To Me Now. This song is definitely not an easy song to deal with you. It might not be perfect but I am glad I can still hear my voice quite clearly but kind of soft despite the loud instrumental music. Hope all of you will like my rendition of the song 😊
sounds better today :0 still need to learn to sing better
better attempyt, took me 2 hours tofind a song i thought i coud get on with, buy laptop threw a wobbky part way tgru, slowing downg and distorting so i kept bon, no wat i was doing it again, been at it over 2 hiurs. IM GOING TON HAVE TO REDO THIS VIDEO,THE SOUND QUALITY HAD A WOBBLY AND STOPPED PLAYIOH MUSIC AND WORDS AT
ODD TIMES, Too knackered tondo it tonight, shame i like this song.
OMG my 2nd attempt, im no singer, this laptop has poor mic, my best one the camera doesnt work, so stuck with what i have, Dogs were an interested audience, wernt really sure what i was doing tbh. Good fun though, all this is new to me. I really hope i havnt put anyone off having a go at doing this, you can do it in he privacy of your home without your neighbours considering telephoning for the men in white coats to take you away, haha hehe hoho !
My 1st ever kareoke song, a got a crap voice, but so what, its fun eh ! Laptop has bad mic and camera, so i really need to practice and use decent kit. Iys good for a laugh anyway.
Jealous of people who can sing
TYhe christmas spirit
the least wild song about being wild
but unfortunate singing lol