36 Views · 10 months ago

Can't say I have heard of Mike Posner or song or why I picked this song after being away from Bee Mee for so long but it is a catchy tune. It was released in 2010, reached #16 on the Billboard 100, #9 on Mainstream top 40, #30 on the Adult Top 40 and charted well on several other charts in several countries. It was also a Tik Tok hit (go figure if you listen to the song lol. Make sure you like, comment & subscribe for those Buzz Points and feel free to share any of my videos. Let's get more singers on the Bee Mee platform. 😎

31 Views · 11 months ago

For a band I didn't know before signing up with Bee Mee, I sure seem to like their songs. This one is so much easier than the other ones I have sang (check them out). Released in 2017, this song peaked at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was in the top 10 on over 30 charts around the world. It was also nominated for a Grammy Award. Like, comment & subscribe for your valuable Buzz Points and feel free to share any of my videos to help grow the Bee Mee community. 😎

53 Views · 1 year ago

⁣“Daydream Believer” by The Monkees narrates the tale of a man who once lived in a cheerful, idealistic world but is now confronting the harsh realities of life.